The Mistress Alone
One is always checked when you use the word Mrs (Mistress) with the first name of a woman by a typical English teacher. It is interesting to study as to why did this title once so respected has now turned derogatory. Watching the burgeoning and complicated feelings of Catherine in the life of King Henry II in the historical romantic drama ‘Reign’ brings to light the power of the Mistress in a family. Stashing away the historical accuracy of the series, the power wielded by the Mistress over the King leading to a series of complications in the life of the family triggers thoughts. Peeling these layers of the life of any enigmatic Mistress leads to the fact that the Mistress with her charm if not beauty, has complete focus on her man. She comes to terms with the fact that she will not be accepted into the family. She has no desires of becoming a mother and if she does give birth to a child, then she is very rarely an ambitious mother. The wealth and the recognition that comes with her position is well accepted by her and she has no qualms about respect and society. Garishly dressed or coquettish in her mannerism, she learns to wield power over people who grudgingly acknowledge the woman in the life of the man or men. On the contrary the society around her learns to give her some undue importance but with the clause of always extracting a favour from the woman. Contempt rules over the mind for the Mistress as she misuses the power to conflict with the meek, create turbulence in the minds of the others who are in the circle of her life. The Mistress thus creates a bubble of power around her, claiming to be respectful, strutting boldly in society and also building a fiefdom of her own. Sometimes the struggle to demand respect from society around makes a mockery of her persona. And when the bubble bursts, she seldom realises that there was no reality, no respect in the fiefdom that she ruled and all that she lived with was but illusionary. This is also a reason for the resentment in modern society for the use of the title Mrs with the first name. Fashion, Drama or Soap Opera…..the tales speak the same