Not Jane or Lydia, but Elizabeth shall be..“If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,” says Mrs. Bennett, in Jane Austen’s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice,’…Feb 2Feb 2
Gombeyatta: the puppets that speakThis is an excerpt from a wedding I had pencilled for one of my friend's cousins, held in Mangalore. The groom was an American, and the…Jan 26Jan 26
The Transit of the Sun and FestivityJanuary, the beginning of festivals in India, is the time of the year when we kickstart the year with celebrations and rituals that…Jan 14Jan 14
Hari Kumar’s Daiva:the known and the unknownA few years ago, when the calling came to me, I chose to plunge into the world of the unknown, the world of magical reality. There were…Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024
Aliyasanthana…guarding it from patriarchyDown south of India, in the state of Karnataka, alongside the coastal belt, is located Tulu Nadu. Tulu Nadu is a region on the southwestern…Jun 25, 2024Jun 25, 2024
The dental chokeA nagging tooth that had dentin hypersensitivity caused a lot of discomfort over the last weekend. Each time I visited a cousin of mine, I…May 31, 2024May 31, 2024
Defying societal expectationsA quick chat with a mother at a social engagement caught me talking to her about her eligible bachelor son, who strode by. The conversation…May 7, 2024May 7, 2024
Majje: Gold and its valueGold was security for most Indian Mothers…. Sometimes they were pawned to get businesses off the ground for brothers and husbands……Feb 17, 2024Feb 17, 2024
Majje coming soon 28th February, 2024My good friends and wellwishers have often wondered as to why did I go on a self-imposed sabbatical…well, the answer is here….needed the…Feb 4, 2024Feb 4, 2024